BBC Breakfast are running a story this morning about handshakes. Apparently Ed Miliband has a terrible one (the household thinks its all about the angles). The debate has ensued about what a handshake says about a person, and also whether women should have their hands shaken at all (they should apparently have their hand held or be kissed)..
I invite comments..
But, and you need to know I'm pulling a face, how else do you greet people?
In my job there are a whole host of socially awkward situations. People don't quite know how to greet a vicar. They may never have met one before, and they rarely meet new people in this kind of setting. Remember in this that I am working in an inner city unchurched setting.
In this setting the handshake works. Without wanting to sound bad its wholly inappropriate for me to be kissed by the endless lines of people leaving funerals. Its also a bit gross.
Discuss (and you are allowed to say that this is the actual heart of the matter reason why women shouldn't be vicars.. I won't mind, I will merely crush you with my very firm handshake... ;-)).
As to the way one shakes hands; I confess I hate a limp handshake. I don't really like the hand crusher either but its still better than having a warm slab of meat proffered with no energy..
Tell me I'm wrong- am I being a handshake snob? Should I accept the oh so polite kiss on the cheek?
What does your handshake say about you?
In a busines contest however, a firm, non crushing handshake I definitely the way forward, regardless of gender.
And in have to admit, the one tradition I miss from Anglicanism (I go to a free church now) is the greeting of the vicar at the end. Everyone has equal access and consequently feel able to talk to the vicar if required. There are some people in non-denom churches who have never met the pastor.
Keep up the good greetings, nd net time omeone approaches you to shake your hand, who you know has a limp handshake, offer them a limp hand back... Just to see what would happen! ;-)
The only people I give special treatment to are plumbers (who pride themselves on trying to crush your carpals) and old ladies, who need special care so as to not break them.
I totally agree though. A nice firm handshake. Certainly no hugs or kisses, for that way lies only horror. Plus I have quite a pointy nose which is quite painful to have thrust into your eye socket when an unexpected, unsolicited and poorly executed mwah mwah goes tragically awry.
I think the only context where I really shake hands is at my dad's Methodist church. This Easter we had 2 services. One led by the male church minister (limp) and one led by a visiting ex-Salvation Army lady (firm).
A limp handshake is preferable to a limp clammy handshake.
And I hate the whole kissing thing- I always go for hugs and end up being kissed on the ear!
But if someone is assertive with their handshakes (but doesn't completely crush) I think that's definitely the way to continue!
Hello by the way- I used to read your blog ages ago through Rach's!
I can't abide limp handshakes!
Since in the UK there's definitely been more hug greetings and the cheek kiss (familiar as the double kiss is standard in parts of Canada - French influence).
I'm sad to hear Ed has a bad handshake. How can you lead a country with a limp handshake?