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An emotional afternoon

After a pretty full on week, today was my chance to take my shoes off and feel the sand between my toes (metaphorically at least).

I spent the morning chatting at church.

Then headed over to Stevenage to catch Amazing Grace. I dithered about seeing the film as I worry about how we are looking back at the abolitionist do dah. And as the opening credits rolled my eyes filled with tears– Wilberforce acted because 11 million slaves had been sold over 300 years. Every year now, 12 million people are traded. Have we forgotten?

The tears flowed pretty much throughout the film– resounding with Wilberforce as he remonstrated that the badges and petitions had been for nothing. I wept as John Newton struggled to live the famous words he had penned– finally coming through to grace as he allowed the demons to flow in ink onto a page.

I finished reading Rob Bell's Sex God this afternoon too, and just about held my dignity as I read his final chapter. I caught maybe for the first time the beauty of God coming to dwell with humanity forever: in a city which is so engaged in his light and love that sun, moon and sex are all unnecessary. Beautiful beautiful.

Its been an intense week – but I think I can say I'm more excited about the futire than I have been for a long time.


Michael said…
I love the last chapter of Sex God too.
krister said…
You're excited about the future because it is pure beauty. Hurrah!
jeff said…
me too.
I have used many ballons.
and have need for many more.

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