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Showing posts from February, 2007

Remembered it!

Ahh yes. I was going to tell all about this new way I want to teach year nine about World War Two. The year nine curriculum majors on war and its a heck of a journey. With all the violence its worth trying some new stuff to lighten it up (if you can with 60 million dead). So this year I'm going to try and do all my teaching through film. There are some obvious ones- Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Flags of Our Fathers and so on. But I reckon it would also be good to look at some slightly lighter moments. First up could well be the Sound of Music! (how does the story of the Von Trapps tell us about life under the Nazi's). I think Brief Encounter (is that set in WW2?) could work (how did WW2 affect relationships?). I'll use The Pianist to look at the Holocaust, maybe also Life is Beautiful. I wonder about Escape to Victory, and To End All Wars! Could be fun!!!! All other thoughts welcome (I know I must be missing something obvious)

Bish bash bosh..

What does one wear to hang out with the local Bishop? That was my question last night at stupid o'clock. Was tempted to dress in a complementary style- but only have a purple evening dress- which may in itself be useful if we were heading for the much overlooked 'actress and.. ' combo.. We flirted round skirts (but mine would never be as long as his), and finally settled on black! Safe- making no theological statements, and frankly, the only thing ironed!


Do you ever get moments where you just know something is going to change? Bad rhetorical question there- as I try to generalise my thinking. I'm in a transition time just now. I think big change is afoot (some in a really obvious kind of way), but in the processing of likely change I realise how frustrated I am with where I am now. It feel a bit like the two days before having a major hair cut, every tiny split end is a big deal. Apparently he/ she who has learned to wait has learned everything. I'm just so bad at it! All prayers very welcome as I go through the next few months. God's good in it all- I know He is at work- I just know not what He's working on..

Why Is It?

This post could be profound.. but isn't. I'm just wondering why it is that you most want a hot drink when you have had dental anaesthesia? I know I will dribble and burn my mouth and bite my tongue but I really want a cup of tea!!!!

For I know the plans I have for you..

Famous words- that we have probably all had prayed over us at a point of great “huh” in life- you know, those moments when you have no idea where God is taking you. I’ve been (very) slowly reading through Jeremiah and got to that verse yesterday. It struck me for the first time that when that is prophesied it comes in the context of Jeremiah saying.. actually the exile is going to be 70years, not the two or three that you want. Its in the midst of some really crazy stuff (i.e. you are going to die in exile, away from the land that you have been promised) that he says I know the plans I have for you, to prosper and not to harm, for hope and a future. How often do we expect blessing and God’s plan in the midst of our exile? More thoughts to follow.