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Stalling for time..

.. I confess I am trying to avoid work. Not real go out the house work, but the choice between:
- a 1200 word piece on the Estelle album (currently at 275 words!)
- a 3000 word book sample (currently at a side of A4 in purple pen)
- a reconciliation of my finnaces since September
- an expense claim, ooh and another
- a financial statement for a project from last year accounting for £120,000

so I'm writing this.

Well, what to say. I was interested to read in the Guardian today some stuff about the opinions of young Muslims in the UK. Haven't actually finished reading it yet but one thing has already sprung out. A significant number fo muslims want the working day changed in order to accommodate prayer. Bring it on. What a fantastic thought! Not that we all indulge in Muslim prayer but what a profound challenge to our all too busy world. If we had the legal right to stop and pray as part of our work.. wow! I have to question whether we would take it; what would we as Christians do? I guess that some would pray against this change, seeing it as an attack on our Judaeo-Christian heritage (unlike of course usery, opporession etc). Others would be nice and say OK but never use the breaks themselves. Some will spend the breaks blogging, emailing or MSNing (hmmm). But some, (please will some of us) will take this chance to get some rhythm into our day, to get some down time, to go and pray. Were this to happen it could lead to a huge change in our culture; it could slow us down. That has to be good- lets embrace this into being.


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