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Showing posts from May, 2020

Responsibility Laundering

I don’t know much about money laundering. It’s not my thing (despite what the bank seems to think if you ever need to change a signatory or use cash!). However, my limited understanding is that if you take the dirty money (from crime) and you process it enough times, through companies and individuals it can’t be traced back to you.   UK Governments over the last few years have taken this principle and applied it to responsibility.  I first noticed this (belatedly) after Grenfell. Central Government had laundered the issue of cladding out to the local authority, who in turn passed it on to the local housing association, who passed it on to the contractor, who passed it on the architect who had never done this kind of work before. This person is a private company at best, to whom we have no recourse of accountability. All we have is retrospective legal action. Meanwhile the national government looks like it’s clean.  Responsibility laundering is a bit like...