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tagged- but not in a bad way!

Rach passed this on.. so here goes

1. Yourself: Jude
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend: elusive
3. Your hair?: wild at the mo.. think its the damp
4. Your mother?: lovely
5. Your Father?: the sweetest man
6. Your Favorite Item: errr..
7. Your dream last night: about teaching- think my kids had SATS?
8. Your Favorite drink: tea
9. Your Dream Car: one that doesn't lose power to all systems at 70mph on teh motorway like mine just did..
10. The Room You Are In: my office/ study.. which sounds better?
12. Your fear: that I just ate somethinng a bit dodgy that might make me spew
13. What you want to be in 10 years: vicar (well maybe archdeacon but that depends on my chosen route to Bishop!)
14. Who you hung out with last night?: Kate, Sarah, Michael, Jeff
15. What You're Not?: small
16. Muffins: double choc
17: One of Your Wish List Items: WW series 1-7
18: Time: twenty first century
19. The Last Thing You Did: put my trainers on
20. What You Are Wearing: see above (also other things)
21. Your Favorite Weather: autumn, crisp mornings with low sun!
22. Your Favorite Book: Watership Down
23. The Last Thing You Ate: see above.. or below if it does make me barf!
24. Your Life: varied.. ever changing
25. Your Mood: up and down
26. Your body: loved
27. Who are you thinking about right now? David Cameron! Weird huh!
29. What are you doing at the moment?: this
30. Your summer: sabbatical
31. Best part of your life: i think sixth form.. such an exciting time to be alive


rach said…
Nice, except you're supposed to answer each one with a single word. I think Suse wrote that in her blog but I didn't - left it to you intuitive people to suss out for yourself.
Jude said…
rules schmules... there are too many in this world to bother with the small ones!

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