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Apple Suck- yes you heard it here first!

Anyone who ever had any respect for me needs to stop reading right now. You are about to see the depths to which my soul has sunk over the last few weeks.

Today I have phoned the Apple Store again- after leaving a good eight hours of trading time for them to get back to me. Again they haven't contacted me. Again, they have promised that they will get back to me and have failed.

This isn't about my ibook anymore. I couldn't give a toss if I never get the machine back. This is about how you treat people. Apple like to give the happy impression that they care about people, as we all have fulfilled lives with our shiny white toys. But it is entirely an impression. Like so many who have gone before, increased popularity means they have turned into another inept conglomorate who give precislely none of you earth shit about ANYONE.

I feel desolute by their lack of care. This must be what its like to be at the end of a relationship when everytime they don't return your call your mind wanders and you find yourself imagining them laughing behind your back (or worse). I can honestly say that I have never felt so rejected.

Wanna know what makes it worse? This is the best. I know that in a huff I could buy a Dell or a Sony, but the problem then would just be worse. They probably wouldn't work in the first place.

I was an early mac convert. I've evangelised enthusiastically about macs for ten years. Now I feel like my mac apstors have been caught having an affair with the church treasurer as they jointly rip off the congregation. I feel mildy ashamed (you know like you do when the General Synod says something dumb..). Folks, I'm sorry if I've led any of you astray.

My disillusionment may throw me into the arms of the Linux extremists. Or the Amish.


A very sad, rejected long suffering mac user.


Dave Heath said…
Having been a member of the Dell-occult for about 15 months now, and being very pleased with it, doesn't stop me from wishing I was righteous (read: rich enough) to join this mac religion.

If when/if you get your mac back you don't want it, I am willing to give it a loving caring home...
Sipech said…
Don't do such a thing Dave. Jude has finally seen the light and caught a glimpse of the true nature of Mac!!!

Exceed Linux is the way forward. All the wishy-washy style of a Mac - but it actually does useful stuff as well!!!
Liz said…
Aw, Jude... :o(
resa said…
ahh... it isn't easy to stay faithful in hard times...
Anonymous said…
good confession

forgiven is the only verdict

Steveybabe said…
Well I always told myself that if I ever get a paying job (Hong Kong doesn't pay ... ) then my 2nd machine would be a mac.

I'm currently caught in the rather strange illusion of having a windows desktop to access my linux babies...sad thing is ... I quite enjoy it!


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